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Miss A Sunday? Want to Hear a sermon again?Worship from Inside Out
External worship is great along with good traditions and religion. But what God values most is what ...
Trust in the Power of Your Worship
When life treats you unfairly you have access to power that that will turn things around
Jesus Brings Dead Situations to Life
Through a relationship with Jesus those things in life you thought were lost or dead can be restored...
Building Wisely
Your salvation is not just for you to absorb and rest on. It is a foundation upon which you are call...
Choose the Right Weapons to Win
In order to win facing any challenge you must not only have a divine strategy but you must also choo...
Winning Attacks Over the Enemy Against Our Mind, Body, and Spirit
You have tbe power to defeat any negative forces that seek to block your potential in any area. God ...
How to Fix Generational Trauma
We sometime carry emotional wounds from childroon into our adulthood and pass the effects of that tr...
Unleash Your Power
We all have insecurities that often keep us from understanding our spiritual power and authority. Wh...
See What the Donkey Saw
At times we are conflicted between our good conscience and personal gain. If we keep our spiritual s...
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